

While I haven't yet come across specifics about your view of 
Christianity, I am much encouraged by the comments I have read. I left 
Christianity nearly three decades ago and am clergy with Church of All 
Worlds, the first legal Pagan church in the United States and 
Australia.  I have been very devout since a small child, and while my 
experience of the Divine could not permit me to accept Christianity 
ultimately (despite my parents' best efforts), I am clear it was 
designed to be a religion of love and compassion, something I find so 
very little of in many who loudly proclaim their "acceptance of Christ 
as their saviour."  I am committed to people committing to a spiritual 
path that makes their lives, and the lives of those around them work. I 
am also committed to people of all faiths learning to accept each other 
as sacred and as creations of the Divine. Whatever the hereafter brings 
us, we are all on this planet together now. Whatever the Divine is or 
is not, we can surely best serve by loving one another and making life 
the best it can be for all. I do not have an agenda of changing 
anyone's mind about their spirituality, except, perhaps, to the extent 
it invalidates others' paths. However I may be of service in bringing 
the World's religions in harmony with one another, I will gladly 
participate. Blessings to you. Avilynn Pwyll (avilynn@daft.com)P.S. I 
don't mind, however, respectful theological debate, however lively.