
New Media Communications


Nice to hear your voice--er, read your scrawl . . . er, get your e-mail.
 Gotta love the new technology.

Yes, a 28.8 baud modem is on my wish list.  Realistically, finances dictate
that the list will be realized no time soon, even tough the prices are
dropping like flies.

Didn't catch Birdie, although it looked interesting.  Haven't caught a
network TV show other than the news and the occasional PBS special in ages.

I drop in to your page whenever I have a child-free moment at the computer
(which hasn't been very often lately), but I did download your family picture
for Lea to see Janet and Brian ("Basehit").  I wrote Youth Ministries an
e-mail based on your list of links (impressive in its volume, by the way),
and asked them to consider some kind of Door page or e-mail address.  The
dude wrote back and said such plans were being considered but were not in the
works at the moment.

Keeping extremely busy with Judson and church-related responsibilities.
 Amie's now 2 1/4 and Austin's 10 mos.  They're a real joy, but a constant
joy, as a prof friend of mine observed.  

Give my regards to Janet and Brian.  Have a great Christmas.
