Eighth Day Faith Community (1976)

The Call

Christ calls us, the Eighth Day Faith Community, to be his body in the world and to respond to his overwhelming love for us by:

  1. - making a radical coirmitnient to building a caring and just society and joining concretely with the oppressed in their struggles;
  2. - speaking the truth and listening to our brothers and sisters as we support one another in following Christ;
  3. - contemplating our relationship to God, our lifestyle, and the community of faith; and
  4. - joyfully participating in life as it is given and celebrating our belonging to the whole of creation and to God.

Mission and Ministry Groups

Academy of Hope

- tutors adult students in basic academics and develops supportive relationships with them. The school provides G.E.D. classes and literacy instruction for adults. (With New Conimunity and Covenant Community)

Locations: 614 S Street and 1631 Euclid St., N.W. Contact LeAnna Marr - 202/328-2029 (w)

AIDS (see Potter's House Church)

C.A.R.E. (see New Community Church)

Child Advocates (1993)

- supports each of its members in their individual work with at-risk children in the Washington, D.C. area, as weR as finding ways to advocate on behalf of all children. Members of the group are committed to: 1) being in relationship witb at least one at-risk or special needs child; 2) educating themselves about the needs facing cbildren and their families in the city and what resources are available to belp them; 3) supporting city-wide initiatives on behalf of children and working to build bridges with other agencies advocating on behalf of children. (With Potter's House Church)

Contact David Huff 202/722-5380 (h)

The Family Place (1981)

- serves low-income fanilies with young children and expectant parents. It provides a friendly supportive environment for people to gather, social services and referrals, and aid and encouragement for parents to provide for the healthy developrmnt of their children.

Contact Ann Barnet - 202/726-4739 (h)

Agency: (2 locations) Ana Neris, Executive Director

3309 16th Street, N.W. (at Park Rd.) Contact Migdalena Salva-Rodriguez - 202/265-0149 (w)

1312 8th St., N.W.

Contact Debra White - 202/265-1942 (w)

La Cosa (1984)

- is called to be connected to the life of Central American refugees. The group arose out of the Sanctuary Movenient and continues to respond to the needs of refugees, especially the need for housing and employrmnt. The group also works to bring the voice of Central American Christians to North Americans.

Contact John Mohr - 301/871-7459 (h)

School of Christian Living (1983)

- provides an introduction to the life of our church. Through courses, discussion and fellowship, participants are encouraged to grow spiritually, to deepen their discipleship to Jesus Christ and to develop their relationship to one another and the conununi.ty. The mission group selects courses and teachers for the School, administers the classes, and offers hospitality and nurturing to those who conie.

Contact Carol Fitch - 301/530-0394 (h)

Location and time: 2025 Mass. Ave., N.W. Monday evenings

Wellspring (see Dayspring Church)

Worship (1980)

- holds before the Eighth Day Community the centrality of worship to our corporate and individual lives. The mission group oversees the preparation of worship eacb week as its principal outward mission. We seek to be inclusive in all aspects of our worship and to involve al[l of the worshipping congregation in the experience. Individuals and mission groups contribute their gifts in the preparation and leading of our weekly worship by serving in various roles, such as liturgist and preacher, creating liturgies, and leading music.

Contact Gafl Arnall - 301/292-6701 (h)

Location and time:

The Potter's House, 1658 Columbia Road, N.W., 9:45

aim (Please enter in silence.)

Sunday School for children, 8:45 a.m.

Child care offered during the service for children.

Contact Wendy Dorsey - 301/232-2844 (h)

Leadership - Elders:

Elizabeth Ramirez 202/797-0664 (h)

Marcia Harrington 301/585-6532 (h)

Laura Wood 202/462-7364 (h)

Moderator: Kathy Doan 202/462-7364 (h)