
Web Based Discussion Board

  In your web page, http://www.iac.net/~dlature/itseminary/indvdual.html , you mentioned something about a bulletin-board type of application.  There is one that you might want to check out.  It creates an indented, threaded display of titles that people have posted that looks a bit like a Usenet discussion.  I believe it goes right up as html without any administrative intervention.

  It's called WWWBoard, and there's free perl and cgi code available from Matt Wright, at http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/wwwboard.shtml

  I looked at the posting date on your page, and this may be old news by now, but I just saw your page for the first time recently.  Good luck with an important contribution to the web.

  --oo  Bob Longmire
     >  longmire@g30.synet.net
    `   http://www3.synet.net/~longmire